The Competition

Posted by Yasmin | Tuesday, June 05, 2007 | , | Comments

Two men were at a bar. Halfway through the night, the jovial bartender announced a special competition for his customers. The competition would be to guess a number between 1 - 10.

"What do I do?" asked one man.

"You just guess any number between 1 - 10."

"And what is the prize?" asked the man.

"Free sex," said the bartender.

"Okay, let me try," said the man.

"Go ahead, think of a number." the bartender said.

"Two" the man said.

"No, I'm sorry, the answer is three."

The following week the other man tried his luck in this competition.
"Think of a number" said the bartender.
"Eight," the man said.
"No, I'm sorry. The correct answer is nine."

Walking back, one man said to the other, "I have a feeling the competition is rigged." "No way," the other man answered. "My wife has won twice."

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